How to Choose Foundation for Dark SKin in Lakme?

It's quite a hard task for women to choose foundation for dark skin in Lakme as there are plenty of products in the market. You may experience the same dilemma in finding concealer for dry skin and dark circles as well.

If you are newbie, it's so much humongous a task to find a best shade of foundation for your skin tone. So, before you proceed we suggest you go through beginner's guide on what color concealer for dark circles to use.

Choose Foundation for Dark SKin in Lakme

In this post, we shall help you to know how to choose foundation for dark skin in Lakme cosmetics. The perfect foundation will blend into your skin to produce a ravishing look on your face.

Ways to choose foundation for dark skin in Lakme

By the way, what does foundation mean?
Well, foundation is a skin cosmetic product use in makeup that aids by spreading evenly and uniformly on skin eradicating blemishes and flaws present on the skin. So, knowing everything about your skin tone will help you pick the best foundation. 

Picking a product based on your skin tone

You have a plenty of foundation products of Lakme in the market, hence, choosing one out of them will be difficult. Knowing your skin type, you can presume which suits you well. Lakme cosmetic brand uses certain keywords in their products to make you find them easily
  1. Chestnut:
    The women with chestnut skin tone will have reddish-brown and woody hue
  2. Golden Glow:
    You have a warm and dusky golden glow, when you ahve golden skin tone
  3. Espresso:
    This type of skin is quite rich in chocolate skin tone

Know the type of skin you have

Normal Skin

An healthy skin is called normal skin. You are fortunate if you have a healthy skin. Read more.

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