Freshwater Algae Eater Fishes to Have in Your Fish Tank

Freshwater algae eater fishes are in demand for maintaining the ponds and home aquarium. It's known fact that aquarium in living room or the bed room of a house brings elegant ambience to the house. However, it's crucial to know best pet fish to buy for aquarium depending upon your potential to maintain the fish tank.

While setting up a aquarium for home, you should also know that you are signing up a for a responsibility and added efforts need to put to maintain it it properly. Technically, it's quotidian of algae grow on places where the water is perpetual. So, there's no doubt that they also grow in inside home aquariums. Algae grow in a fish tank due to various reasons, prime reasons being the biological processes that occur in the water. If you are defiant about it, then they might cause you serious problems by eating up other useful plants in the aquarium and growing in rigorous manner.

Then, how to get rid of this algae?

Well, to achieve it, you need to know of what does algae eat? You can easily find it out on the internet or by visiting the fish nurseries.

There are a plenty of freshwater algae eater fishes which will help you in eliminating the algae. In this post, we are going to discuss about the top freshwater algae eater fishes for your aquarium.

Freshwater Algae Eater Fishes

1. Black Mollies

Freshwater Algae Eater Fishes to Have in Your Fish Tank

Black mollies are the tiny cute little fishes that easily fit into small fish tanks. Typically, black mollies don't have appetite. Since, they can rapidly eat up algaes of various kind, they are good enough to be used for the small fish tanks. If there's algae on the plants or stones in your aquarium, then you can count on black mollies to vanish them. However, you shouldn't rely completely on them if the quantity of algae is large.


Black mollies gel well with other breeds like Swordtails, Endlers, Gourami, Guppies, Platys, Minnows, and other types of mollies.

2. Twig Catfish

Freshwater Algae Eater Fishes to Have in Your Fish Tank

Twig catfishes are also called as whiptail catfishes which are algae eating tropical fish. Their growth extends from 10 cms to 20 cms. These are brown in color and easily blend with aquarium having many fishes by camouflaging themselves. Read more.
